The K40 is a small low power PIC based CW keyboard that is packed with features and is inexpensive. The single board has a PS/2 style keyboard connector, on board piezo speaker, circuitry to drive an off board speaker, low level audio output, an iambic keyer interface, and open collector PTT and Key outputs. The design uses two 14 pin PIC processors, requires no crystals, and has an on board 5 volt regulator that powers both the K40 PC board and the attached PC keyboard. As far as features go...
IBM AT Keyboard Interface
5 - 99 WPM
Adjustable sidetone frequency
Iambic A/B keyer with autospace built in
Farnsworth spacing
True adjustable weighting in 10% increments
Keying Compensation 0 to 31 mSec
First dit/dah compensation
PTT output with adjustable attack and hang times
2048 character non-volatile memory
12 memory slots
Buffers can be chained, called, or repeated
Programmable delay for beaconing
Built-in K1EL CW command language allows complex messages to be easily entered
200 character type ahead buffer
HSCW output 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000 or user defined lpm
QRSS3, QRSS6, QRSS30, QRSS60 speeds
Serial number generator, preset, increment, decrement
Keyboard key paddle
Prosigns built in, or any two characters can be combined.
PCB Size is 3.5 by 1.75 inches
Extended European character support
Extensive RFI filtering
LCD interface to 16 by 2 Hitachi HD44780 LCD Display (not required for operation)
Rotary Encoder speed control
and lots, lots more !